13 sept 1977 - 4 dic 202113 de septiembre de 1977 - 4 de diciembre de 2021
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I love you and I miss you so much I I miss you like hell man I'm breaking
Earl Park Indiana
To rhonda metheny twins forever Terry Metheny mom
Rihanna b shine bright like a diamond I'm sure that I love you
Living loving decorating she loved doing flowers she love her man is a good mom a good news
Homemade pizza
P she was love more than she ever know I wish I could tell her how she was the most wonderful person in my life I'm f****** love you
Benton central
Douglas Arland. Methany and Terry ann metheny
Olivia uran Jolene urine Adrian uran Adrian 7 Jolene 12 Olivia 13 she also has a son Mitchell &Jordan matheny
She loves everyone them with everything she had a side of her fighting to see your babies and grandparents so hard
Renee Lynn. Metheny she died December 6th 2021 at 8:06 in the morning she was the most amazing wonderful woman I've ever known to my twin sister she loved life she loved her kids she loved her man Chad Schuh thanks God help me I ate so badly for my sister please let me talk to her
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Earl Park Indiana