13 jun 1959 - 12 dic 200813 de junio de 1959 - 12 de diciembre de 2008
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Todavía no se han plantado árboles.
Fixing up old cars and motorcycles
Three Dog Night, the Who, Steely Dan, Lynrd Skynrd Jim Morrison
Mike wasAa Marine during Vietnam War, a member of the Flyin'Irons Motorcycle Club in Bethlehem,N. H. He was a poet an an artist.
I would love him to be here to be a friend, big brother that I need and a dad, and Grand father to his Grandson and especially his granddaughter. To be able to just give him a hug or a kiss on his cheek and tell him never say goodbye again.
His family, his dog Tasha,and Joe, and his yellow nape Amazon Parrot Nicki.
Anywhere that's out in the sun
Any thing silly or informative
. Ike, you covered yourself in tattoos. A freedom of expression I guess.
A crazy clown, spider webs on your elbows and Lisa's name and Kevin's picture from when he was three years old.
I wish you were here to see your beautiful grandchildren. But your grand daughter.
Mom would have loved her as much as you and me! So wouldn't Pupps.
I love you Brother mine ❤ 💙. See you again someday. ❤.
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