26 oct 1947 - 7 sept 202226 de octubre de 1947 - 7 de septiembre de 2022
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Pendleton, Oregon
Lucille Belin and Donald Belin
She loved to sing, read books, enjoyed the arts and loved animals.
Marcel, Anthony, Shelly, Layna and Susanna.
Audrey was born in Pendleton to the parents of Donald and Lucille Belin, her father was a broker/farmer and mother a Art school teacher. Audrey was the only child. Audrey grew up learning the piano and singing, she played with horses and loved to be in natures natural habitat. Audrey’s 5 children are Marcel, Anthony, Shelly, Layna and Susanna. She has survived on through linage along with many of her grandchildren and family cousins.
Plantaremos árboles de verdad en memoria de Audrey y mostraremos tu contribución para siempre.
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Pendleton, Oregon