Zlata Lukavich Mikhaylichenko

Jun 01, 2003

Photo of Zlata

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Zlata Lukavich Mikhaylichenko

Jun 01, 2003

Place of birth

Ekaterinburg, Russia

Most recently lived in

Seattle, WA

Zlata's favorite hobbies

She loved playing her instruments, playing softball, and reading

Zlata's favorite foods

She loved Pelmeni and Borscht

Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Zlata

She can play the violin, flute, and piano and can speak 6 languages fluently

Zlata loved nothing more than

Her love for softball and soccer

Favorite place in the world

Her home land, Ekaterinburg Russia

Favorite TV shows

She loved gray’s anatomy

Favorite sports

Softball, soccer, and basketball. She was a very skilled basketball and soccer player, but most importantly she was the best softball player.

Name of Zlata's parents

Her Dad, Luka Atatürk, She loved more than anything, and her mom, Polina Mikhaylichenko.


Zlata Lukavich Mikhaylichenko, known affectionately as Z, passed away tragically at the age of 20. She was born on June 1, 2003 in Ekaterinburg, Russia, and most recently resided in Seattle, WA.

Zlata was a vibrant soul with a multitude of passions. She found joy in playing her instruments, including the violin, flute, and piano. Zlata's love for music was only rivaled by her enthusiasm for sports, particularly softball, soccer, and basketball. She excelled in basketball and soccer, but softball held a special place in her heart. Zlata's dedication to the game made her an exceptional player.

Beyond her talents in music and sports, Zlata had a deep passion for learning and reading. Her thirst for knowledge led her to speak six languages fluently, a remarkable achievement at such a young age. Zlata was also pursuing her dreams in animal medicine, attending veterinary school and demonstrating exceptional academic achievements by graduating top of her class.

While Zlata was known for her contagious laughter and lively personality, she carried a burden of sadness. Unfortunately, her struggle with depression went unnoticed by those around her until it was too late. Zlata was bullied by an individual named Kevin, whose actions pushed her to make the tragic decision to take her own life. It is a heartbreaking reminder of the importance of recognizing and addressing mental health struggles.

Zlata impacted the lives of those around her by showing them the importance of finding joy in life and cherishing every moment. Her empathetic nature and ability to bring a smile to people's faces even in the darkest times will be remembered by all those who had the privilege of knowing her.

Zlata's love for her homeland, Ekaterinburg, Russia, held a special place in her heart, and she considered it her favorite place in the world. She also found solace in the TV show "Grey's Anatomy" and had a fondness for traditional Russian dishes such as Pelmeni and Borscht.

Zlata is survived by her adoring parents, Luka Atatürk and Polina Mikhaylichenko, who she loved more than anything.

In memory of Zlata Lukavich Mikhaylichenko, let us remember the importance of kindness and empathy, and strive to create a world where no one feels alone in their struggles.

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Photo of Zlata

Born on June 01, 2003

Ekaterinburg, Russia

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Zlata Lukavich Mikhaylichenko's memorial is managed by aavadowneyy

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