22 abr 1953 - 27 sept 202222 de abril de 1953 - 27 de septiembre de 2022
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Eaton Rapids Michigan
Hudson Florida
Bingo, writing poetry, watching Jeopardy
Vonnie-Mom loved moons over my hammy, eggs Benedict, back lava, sourkrout and kabasa, Mom loved everything my brother John made her. She also loved Pepsi and coffee.
Niel Diamond, Rod Stewart, BeeGees, Herman's Hermits
Vonnie-Mom has several poems published in National poetry society. Vonnie raised three children on her own while attending college and working several jobs. Vonnie has a degree ing paralegal and was a notary public.
I love you mommy and I miss you dearly. You were my comfort when life got too hard and I am sad that you had to leave this world but I know your suffering of cancer is over and I take comfort in that now.
Her children and grandchildren
Niagra falls although she never made it there.
Jeopardy, wheel of fortune, law and order, CSI- Miami and New Orleans
Y'Vonne J'Neanne Hayward was born to Marenus 2nd and Edith Hayward April 22 1953 in Eaton Rapids Michigan. She was the youngest of three children. In 1963 the Hayward family moved to Florida.Vonnie married Billie Gray and became and mother of three children.Susan,Shelly and John. Y'Vonne divorced and remarried years later to William Mayberry who passed after twenty yrs of marriage leaving her widowed. She never remarried.In life Y'Vonne's children blessed her with 11 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. Vonnie has several degrees including graduating college with a degree in paralegal. Her passion was writing poetry and she even landed a few of her works in National poetry society.
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Eaton Rapids Michigan
Hudson Florida