26 ago 1938 - 26 oct 202226 de agosto de 1938 - 26 de octubre de 2022
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Durham, N.C.
Richmond, V.A
Willie Joe born to Willma and Joe Berry is the youngest of 14 siblings. In 1959 he married his childhood sweetheart Jessie Mae and was blessed with 3 children. Renee, Danise and Willie Joe Jr. He has 6 grandson and 4 granddaughters. Willie was a hard working man that loved his family dearly. He will be truly missed. Homegoing service will be held at Scott's funeral home 115 E Brookland Park Blvd , Richmond, V.A. 2322 November 10, 2022 10am until 12pm
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Durham, N.C.
Richmond, V.A