William Leon Jones

13 mar 1948 - 18 sept 202413 de marzo de 1948 - 18 de septiembre de 2024

Photo of William

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William Leon Jones

13 mar 1948 - 18 sept 202413 de marzo de 1948 - 18 de septiembre de 2024

Place of birth

Washington D.C., DC

Most recently lived in

Victorville, CA

William's favorite hobbies

Math Tutoring Teaching Taekwondo Dancing

William's favorite foods

Thai food Red Lobster Steak

Favorite bands and musical artists

Bobby Blue Bland Old School RnB Mahalia Jackson

Interesting facts about William

Loved Helping Others to Get Better

William loved nothing more than

Taekwondo Sparring Dancing Having a great time

Favorite place in the world

Thailand Hawaii Europe

Favorite TV shows

Old Westerns All Star Wars movies

Favorite sports


Favorite movies

Loved Helping Others


My friend is gone home…

William L. Jones 1948-2024

Son Kevin Jones

Daughter Nicole Jones

Host of Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren

“Fly like an Eagle”

“I wanna fly like an eagle

To the sea

Fly like an eagle, let my spirit carry me

I want to fly like an eagle “Steve Miller Bsnd”

'Til I'm free

Oh Lord, through the revolution

Feed the babies

Who don't have enough to eat

Shoe the children

With no shoes on their feet

House the people

Livin' in the street

Oh, oh, there's a solution”

Dedicated to the memory of…

Master Sergeant William L. Jones.,.

United States Air Force (Retired)…

5th Degree Black Belt…

World Traditional Taekwondo Schools Master Instructor…

Instructor of the Year 1993…

Known as Rusty Foot in The Martial Arts world…

He leaves behind a host of students and friends…

His favorite TV show was all Star Wars series (serious trekie) and old westerns…

His favorite saying was “Shucky Ducky”…

His favorite song… “Wade in the water “

His favorite music Old Southern “ Blues “…

AA Degree Victor Valley College

Air Force College Applied Science Degree

California State University

He has two children Son Kevin and Daughter Nicole and a host of Grandchildren…

Supported Saint Jude Children Hospital…

Loved helping people. He would tell me that “when you see someone needing help “help them”…

This is your chance to say so long to him by sharing with others how he has helped or influenced you…

He used to tell stories to the students with a story that went like this…

It’s the only joke that he has…

I know many of you have heard it from him….

“There was this guy rolling a wheel of cheese down the hill…!

The roll of cheese rolled faster than the guy could run…

Some guy at the bottom of the hill started chasing the cheese roll…

The first guy yelled hey!

That’s my cheese…

It’s not chose!”

Ha Ha with that deep bass voice…

He sang in the choir and worked in the food ministry…

Set in his ways and a strict disciplined no nonsense instructor…

We’ve been friends for over forty years and he never called me by my first name until maybe a year ago…

But he did call me by names that we won’t repeat…

He was so proud of me and encouraged me in my endeavors…

William believed in my strength to make them happen…

Going to miss you Sir…


Ceremonias pasadas

Celebración de la vida

October 19 2024


sábado, 19 de octubre de 2024, 11:00


GT Hotels Inn & Suites Extended Stay - 14173 Green Tree Blvd, Victorville, CA 92395, USA

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Libro de visitas de William

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Fotos de William

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Nació el March 13, 1948

Washington D.C., DC

Falleció el September 18, 2024

Victorville, CA

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El memorial de William Leon Jones está gestionado por Bruce McGhee.

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