Whitley Renee Harris/Wilson

18 ago 1991 - 9 mar 202518 de agosto de 1991 - 9 de marzo de 2025

Photo of Whitley

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Whitley Renee Harris/Wilson

18 ago 1991 - 9 mar 202518 de agosto de 1991 - 9 de marzo de 2025

Place of birth

Memphis, TN

Most recently lived in

Memphis, TN

Whitley's favorite hobbies

Hairstyles and Makeup

Whitley's favorite foods


Favorite bands and musical artists

Moe3,Lil John,Lil boosie

Interesting facts about Whitley

Doing Hair

Whitley loved nothing more than

Her 2 Kids And 3 Brothers Willie,Anthony and Frank Wilson

Favorite place in the world

Mother House

Favorite TV shows


Favorite sports


Whitley's siblings

Willie Wilson, Anthony &FRANK HARRIS


Whitley "Renee" Harris funeral is on Saturday, 3/22/25. One day service at Shiloh M.B. Church 3960 College Rd 38672. The viewing is 10:00 am - 11:00 am and the funeral starts at 11:00 am. RENEE LEAVE BEHIND 2 KIDS JAZZ & JR HARRIS BOTH OF MEMPHIS TN MOTHER ELIZABETH FATHER WILLIE FRANK HARRIS BOTH OF MEMPHIS TN 3 BROTHERS WILLIE WILSON,ANTHONY & FRANK HARRIS OF MEMPHIS TN HOST OF NIECES NEPHEWS AUNTIES UNCLES COUSINS AND FRIENDS!!!

Ceremonias pasadas


Whitley "Renee" Harris funeral is on Saturday, 3/22/25. One day service at Shiloh M.B. Church 3960 College Rd 38672. The viewing is 10:00 am - 11:00 am and the funeral starts at 11:00 am. Colors are purple and black. The meet-up is at Rick and Kathy at 9:00 am. THE PULL OFF IS AT 9:15AM. The repast will be announced on Wednesday. *IF YOU GOT A SHIRT MADE PLEASE DO NOT WEAR IT TO THE CHURCH! YOU CAN WEAR AT THE REPAST!*


sábado, 22 de marzo de 2025, 11:00


3960 College Rd - 3960 College Rd, Southaven, MS 38672, USA


Whitley "Renee" Harris funeral is on Saturday, 3/22/25. One day service at Shiloh M.B. Church 3960 College Rd 38672. The viewing is 10:00 am - 11:00 am and the funeral starts at 11:00 am. Colors are purple and black. The meet-up is at Rick and Kathy at 9:00 am. THE PULL OFF IS AT 9:15AM. The repast will be announced on Wednesday. *IF YOU GOT A SHIRT MADE PLEASE DO NOT WEAR IT TO THE CHURCH! YOU CAN WEAR AT THE REPAST!*


sábado, 22 de marzo de 2025, 23:00

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Libro de visitas de Whitley

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Fotos de Whitley

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Nació el August 18, 1991

Memphis, TN

Falleció el March 9, 2025

Memphis, TN

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El memorial de Whitley Renee Harris/Wilson está gestionado por kw198836.

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