Wayne Stewart McCullough

18 dic 197218 de diciembre de 1972

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Wayne Stewart McCullough

18 dic 197218 de diciembre de 1972

Place of birth

New York, NY

Most recently lived in

Wayne resided on 113th Street in West Harlem.

Wayne's profession(s)

Professionally Wayne has held many hats. He has worked for both UPS and the United States Postal service, as well as construction work.

High School attended

Wayne received his formal education at George Washington High School in NY.

Interesting facts about Wayne

Wayne loved nothing more than

Wayne's parents

Wayne S. McCullough was born on December 18, 1972 to the late Thomas S. McCullough and the late Wayne White in New York, NY in Columbia Presbyterian Hospital.

Wayne's siblings

Georgette Johnson, his cousin whom he reared as a sister.

Sister's in Love

Although they are not blood family these women have been with Wayne and supported him though different ups and downs in his life. It's only fitting that he viewed them all as his Sisters in Love. To; Melissa(Bunny), Laurie, Janel, Sherall(Shawn), Jahyra and Sandra(San) your love was much appreciated and felt not only by Wayne but his family.

Wayne's Angels

It was no secret that Wayne's favorite TV show was Charlie's Angels. Wayne was fortunate enough to assemble his own team of angels; Tiffany, Angie, Teela, Alicia and Frances.

Favorite TV shows

Wayne's favorite show as a child and forever will be Charlie's Angels.


Wayne accepted Christ as his savior on May 12, 2024 and served as a faithful parishioner of St. Stephen Community Church.


Wayne leaves to cherish his memories; His aunts Beverly McCullough Liska and Cathy.... His uncle John doe. His sister Georgette Johnson and her children Dashawn Strong, Markem Johnson and Marshalle Johnson. His Cousins; Lavoid Shellman, Michael Shellman Jr., Artemise Conyers, Maurice Shellman, Danell McCullough, Charae Meachem, Tiesha Meachem and Latesha Vargas. His extended family the Hill's. His Godsons; Na'zir...., Zyshawn ...., Cashe West and August West. His God brothers and sisters The Smooth family. And a host of other relatives and friends.


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Libro de visitas de Wayne

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Nació el December 18, 1972

New York, NY

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