Virgil A. Weidemann

Nov 19, 1925 - Feb 10, 2010

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Virgil A. Weidemann

Nov 19, 1925 - Feb 10, 2010

Place of birth

Military service

Army Air Corp veteran serving during World War II from Jan. 20, 1944 to May 9, 1946


Sears Retiree Club, St. Peter's Cathedral, American Legion Post 5, Belleville, Ill., and VFW Post 7710 New Athens, Ill.

Medals received

Marksman Medal with the carbine, American Theatre Ribbon, European African Middle Eastern Theatre Ribbon with a Bronze Battle Star, Victory Medal and a Good Conduct Medal

Preceded in death by

Parents, Alvin and Esther, nee Berthold, Weidemann Sr.; brother, Maurice Weidemann; and sister, Hazel Studer

Survived by

Wife, Lucy, nee Molenda, Weidemann; sons, Ronald Weidemann, Michael (Patricia) Weidemann, and Gary (Terry) Weidemann; daughters, Diane (Gary) Lamborn and Nancy(Todd) Roehr; 11 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; brothers, Wesley Weidemann, Alvin Weidemann Jr., and Wayne Weidemann; sisters, Myrtle Winter, Marie Richards, Doris Politsch, Alice Mentel, Gladys Parker, Nadine Rowald and Joyce Scace

Memorial donations

American Cancer Society


Feb. 15, 2010, from 4 to 8 p.m. and Feb. 16, 2010, from 9 to 9:30 a.m. at Valhalla Gaerdner Holten Funeral Home in Belleville, Ill.


Feb. 16, 2010, at 10 a.m. at St. Peter's Cathedral Catholic Church in Belleville, Ill. Interment in Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, St. Louis, Mo.

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Born on November 19, 1925

Passed away on February 10, 2010

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