Victor Anthony Donisi

Oct 22, 1956 - Apr 29, 2024

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Victor Anthony Donisi

Oct 22, 1956 - Apr 29, 2024

Place of birth

Cincinnati, OH

Most recently lived in

Las Vegas, NV

Victor's favorite hobbies

Play Golf, watch NFL football, favorite team Tennessee Titans.

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Interesting facts about Victor

Victor loved nothing more than

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Victor Anthony Donisi, born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on October 22, 1956, passed away on April 29, 2024, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Victor spent the majority of his life in Nashville, Tennessee, where he was a McDonald’s franchise Owner/Operator for over 30 years. He profoundly impacted the lives of many of his employees by providing them with opportunities for growth. In his free time, Victor cherished moments with his family and friends, earning the admiration and love of his community.

Victor is survived by his devoted wife, Lynn Thao Donisi; his loving daughters, Emily Donisi and Carla Donisi; his son, Michael Donisi; three cherished granddaughters; his mother, Eleanor Donisi, his brother, Dominick Donisi, sisters, Gina Donisi, Antoinette Brown, Diana, Timperman, Michelle Brauning, and Nicole and numerous nieces, nephews, and friends.

The family extends their heartfelt gratitude to the staff of Spring Valley Hospital in Las Vegas, Nevada, for their exceptional care and support.

They also wish to thank all his friends and family members for their prayers and unwavering support during this difficult time.

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Photo of Victor

Born on October 22, 1956

Cincinnati, OH

Passed away on April 29, 2024

Las Vegas, NV

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Victor Anthony Donisi's memorial is managed by nohemy6 and Gina Donisi

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