Mar 9, 1952March 9, 1952
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Baltimore, MD
Baltimore, MD
Plum loves to take care of the guys at the arch social club
shaquanna johnson-hamilton,shabria Johnson, Dominic Johnson dashawn Horton Jermar smith jr
Pandora horton-Tate , John Horton , and Jermar smith
plum loves chicken and crabs
Plum loves to spend time with her family and going to church every sunday
Zay'Qone Johnson ,Zy'liah Wilson ,Lamont Wilson Malaya Brooks ,Paris-Peyton Hamilton
Velma likes to be called plum she loves to shop and to dance
Plum loves a good Pepsi float
Plum has a son n law Ricky Tate and a grand son n law Phillip hamilton
Carolyn Edison easter-mae Tate betty-mae Edison Marie Wilkins jo Edison Larry Woody Anthony wykins Angela wykins
We'll plant real trees for you in Velma's memory and display your contribution forever.
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Baltimore, MD