21 feb 1964 - 8 jun 202221 de febrero de 1964 - 8 de junio de 2022
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Mishawaka, Indiana
Mishawaka, Indiana
Pizza, gyros, biscuits and gravy, banana splits, grape soda, coney dogs and root beer.
Jelly Roll
He invented the childproof lighter
How much I love and miss him
Spending an evening at home with wife April and his mom Sheila
His front porch
Football (Miami Dolphins)
The Hulk, The Avengers, Battkeship, Men in Black
48 hours, CSI, Lucifer, Homicide Hunter, Monday Night Football, CSI Miami
Making people smile
The birth of his grandson
Bud, Tulie, Baby Boy, Baby Girl
Kentucky, Texas, Florida
Mishawaka High
Sheila and Eddie
Eddie,Tammy, Brenda & Lisa (Mike)
Adam & Kayla
Listening to music, hanging out with his friends, dancing, sitting on the front porch with wife April, watching movies, driving his convertible and going out to eat.
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Mishawaka, Indiana
Mishawaka, Indiana