Tyson K Evans

1 may 2007 - 1 oct 20241 de mayo de 2007 - 1 de octubre de 2024

Photo of Tyson

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Tyson K Evans

1 may 2007 - 1 oct 20241 de mayo de 2007 - 1 de octubre de 2024

Place of birth

Detroit, MI

Most recently lived in

Detroit, MI

Tyson's favorite hobbies

Playing with empty water bottles and his squeaky toys

Tyson's favorite foods

Anything he wasn’t supposed to be eating

Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Tyson

Never liked dog beds

Tyson loved nothing more than

To be cuddled and rubbed

Favorite place in the world

To be with his family

Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports


Tyson K. Evans, affectionately known as Ty Ty, was born in May 2007, in Detroit, MI, and passed away on October 23, 2024, in his beloved hometown. Tyson was a cherished family protector and will be remembered for his loving spirit and playful nature.

Tyson was a devoted family member, living most recently in Detroit with his loving partner, Chelsea. Together, they welcomed three delightful sons: Charles (Chuckie), Snowball, and Zeke. Tyson's playful antics included a fondness for empty water bottles and squeaky toys, and he had a particular love for sneaking water bottles that he wasn’t supposed to have. Remarkably, he never took to dog beds, preferring to cuddle with his family instead, which brought him immeasurable joy.

Known for his irresistible charm, Tyson had a playful personality that shone through in moments when he would pretend to ignore his family, only to happily hug them if they kept calling his name. He was often called Mr. Barker for his enthusiastic vocalizations whenever someone passed by on Pierson Street, where he ruled as the king.

Survived by his devoted mother, Anika, and his brothers, Khary and Tyree, as well as his favorite playmates, Lauren and Hunter and a tremendous host of family and friends .Tyson touched the lives of everyone around him. His loving nature and unwavering loyalty made him the most faithful companion anyone could wish for. Tyson's favorite place in the world was undoubtedly with his family, where he will forever be missed and fondly remembered.

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Nació el May 1, 2007

Detroit, MI

Falleció el October 1, 2024

Detroit, MI

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