31 dic 2004 - 9 sept 202131 de diciembre de 2004 - 9 de septiembre de 2021
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Todavía no se han plantado árboles.
Te wharekura o manurewa
Riding quad choppers
Anything and everything
Was into alsorts rock reggae hiphop
Always sleep helped to clean around the house
I love you always and will forever miss you
Her lil siblings and her dog shadow and neice amaia
Bed it beach
Trinity was the type of person who thought she knew better. just like all teenagers.she was a strong headed stubborn child just like her mother.she didn't like drama so only hung out with people she trusted.she loved lil kids and animals mostly dogs and cats.she loved playing Fortnite always yelling and screaming when she got killed on the games.always picked on her brothers but if they hit her back would always nark on them lol.her laugh was out the gate but it was her laugh something that'll never leave my memories. There is so much more I could write but these are the things I will remember and never forget
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