Travis William Hueg

12 jun 1990 - 5 oct 202412 de junio de 1990 - 5 de octubre de 2024

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Travis William Hueg

12 jun 1990 - 5 oct 202412 de junio de 1990 - 5 de octubre de 2024

Place of birth

St Paul, MN

Most recently lived in

San Antonio, TX

Travis's favorite hobbies

Travis's favorite foods

Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Travis

Travis loved nothing more than

Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports


Travis William Hueg, known affectionately as Trav, was born on June 12, 1990, in St. Paul, Minnesota. He passed away on October 5, 2024, in San Antonio, Texas, where he had made his home in recent years.

A dedicated and hardworking individual, Travis was proud to have completed his associate degree in 2014 and to have served in the National Guard. He embarked on an ambitious journey by starting his own fencing company in 2018, showcasing his entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to his craft. Additionally, he pursued further education in law enforcement, reflecting his desire to serve and protect his community.

Travis is remembered as a loving husband to Laura Hueg and a devoted father to their six children: Drake, Dominic, Colton, Analita, Penelope, and Theodore. He is survived by his wife, children, parents Paul and Lynda Hueg, siblings Ryan (Danni) and Jason, as well as several nephews who cherished him dearly.

Travis's impact extended beyond his family; he was a positive role model and an influential figure in the lives of many. His dedication was evident not only in his professional endeavors but also in his active participation in his local church and community. To those who knew him, he was a source of knowledge and inspiration, embodying the values of hard work and commitment.

As friends and family gather to celebrate his life, they will remember Travis for his unwavering dedication, his passion for his work, and the profound love he had for his family and community. His legacy will continue to inspire those who were fortunate enough to know him.

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Libro de visitas de Travis

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Fotos de Travis

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Nació el June 12, 1990

St Paul, MN

Falleció el October 5, 2024

San Antonio, TX

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El memorial de Travis William Hueg está gestionado por laurarinta97.

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