16 dic 1969 - 15 may 202416 de diciembre de 1969 - 15 de mayo de 2024
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Talladega, AL
Tina Ann Bush was born on December 16, 1969 in Talladega, Alabama to the union of Greg and Sarah Gober.
Tina was a strong woman of faith, a devoted mother, and grandmother. She always did all she could for others and put them ahead of herself.
On Tuesday, May 15, 2024, Tina Ann Bush passed away at the age of 53. She was preceded in death by her parents, Greg and Sarah Gober daughter, Candice Gober, and nephew, Cody Galloway.
She leaves behind to cherish her memories two loving grandchildren, Kaiden Waldrop and Kayleigh Gober; two brothers, Paul Gober and Ronnie Gober; son, Greg Gallahair; nephew, Zack Gober; niece, Haley Gober; great-nephews, Brayden Gober and Brylen Gober; great-niece, Brayleigh Gober; and a host of friends who loved her dearly
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Talladega, AL