Aug 9, 1984 - Sep 5, 2012August 9, 1984 - September 5, 2012
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Tim had 2 sisters both older than him, but do not kid yourself he protected both his big sisters.
Batesville Arkansas
He loved listening music , mostly RAP but he loved it all.
Mexican Chicken & sugar free strawberry cheese cake. shrimp and well He LOVED food !
Tu-Pac Eminem , Dr Dre, Bone Thugs N Harmony Metallica , Just a few here he loved it all
Timothy just had an understanding of people, he knew if you were down or sick or excited or lost, he could usually bring a smile to anyone's face.
I love you son more than words could ever explain .You had such a good judgement of people that every one of your friends STILL come to see momma.
Specially loved spending time with friends & family ! He LOVED to eat ! Listening to music and making his own . Tim LOVED the lady's .
OUTSIDE and around WATER . Where ever the girls were !
Wrestling and South park.
We'll plant real trees for you in Timothy's memory and display your contribution forever.
All condolences, notes and wishes in this book of memories.
Timothy timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.
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Batesville Arkansas