Terry Foster

Nov 18, 1952 - Dec 9, 2022November 18, 1952 - December 9, 2022

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Terry Foster

Nov 18, 1952 - Dec 9, 2022November 18, 1952 - December 9, 2022

Place of birth

Electra, Texas

Most recently lived in

Wichita Falls, Texas


Terry foster was an amazing soul who left this earth to be at peace finally. He loved his family and cherished every moment spent with us. He never failed to make everyone around laugh and feel comfortable. He was a prankster and enjoyed spending time with his family when he had the chance. He was a lively 70 year old when he left to be with his family in heaven. Terry is survived by his brothers, nephews/ nieces, and grandchildren. We will all miss you and will never forget the memories we’ve all made together. A memorial service will be held Sunday, December 11th at Electra city park @12pm.

Plant a Tree in Terry's memory

We'll plant real trees for you in Terry's memory and display your contribution forever.

Terry's Guestbook

All condolences, notes and wishes in this book of memories.


Terry's Photos

Terry timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

Select a photo to expand it and view its comments.


Born on November 18, 1952

Electra, Texas

Passed away on December 9, 2022

Wichita Falls, Texas

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    Show your support to Terry's family and friends with an arrangement of flowers.

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Terry Foster's memorial is managed by shyannlucas02.

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