4 abr 1976 - 29 nov 20224 de abril de 1976 - 29 de noviembre de 2022
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She love music
Sylvia Slaughter was cremation on Thursday 15,2022. Her children requested that there be no service they want to remember her like she was. Those who wish to gather in memory of Sylvia Slaughter can do so Thursday 15, 2022 at 6:00p.m. in front of her home. She will be truly missed . If you have any questions please contact the Moore, Slaughter and the Jones family.
Plantaremos árboles de verdad en memoria de Sylvia y mostraremos tu contribución para siempre.
Todas las condolencias, notas y deseos en este libro de recuerdos.
La línea de tiempo de Sylvia con fotos, videos, audios e historias.
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