Stephen Troy Brewer

17 dic 1974 - 23 jul 202217 de diciembre de 1974 - 23 de julio de 2022

Photo of Stephen

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Stephen Troy Brewer

17 dic 1974 - 23 jul 202217 de diciembre de 1974 - 23 de julio de 2022

Place of birth


Most recently lived in


Stephen's favorite hobbies

Treasure Hunting & Coloring with Paint Markers

Stephen's favorite foods

Yogurt & Homemade Burritos

Favorite bands and musical artists

Matchbox 20 & Jelly Roll

Interesting facts about Stephen

He was the most generous person I've ever known.

If you could tell Stephen anything today, what would you say?

That I love him & nothing is the same and I'm so lost without him.

Stephen loved nothing more than

Helping people

Favorite place in the world

At home with Mandy

Name of High School attended


Name of Stephen's siblings

Jerry Brewer & Melissa Arbuckle

Stephen's pets in life

His dog Blue

Name of Stephen's children

Whitley, Lexy & Austin

He loves to

Make people laugh

Favorite sports


This was my best friend. He could make me madder than anyone ever has but more so he made me feel happy & loved. He was funny, smart, brave, strong, hardworking, genuine, kind & loved. Missing you forever and always my baby.

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Libro de visitas de Stephen

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Fotos de Stephen

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Nació el December 17, 1974


Falleció el July 23, 2022


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El memorial de Stephen Troy Brewer está gestionado por Amanda Skaggs.

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