Stephen "Steve" Failla

13 ago 1978 - 24 feb 202513 de agosto de 1978 - 24 de febrero de 2025

Photo of Stephen

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Stephen "Steve" Failla

13 ago 1978 - 24 feb 202513 de agosto de 1978 - 24 de febrero de 2025

Place of birth

Mesa, AZ

Most recently lived in

San Tan Valley, AZ

Stephen's favorite hobbies


Favorite bands and musical artists

He really love all types of music

Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Stephen

he could talk just like Arnold Schwarzenegger

Stephen loved nothing more than

his daughter Samantha

Interesting facts about Stephen

he was always the life of the party, cracking joke making everyone laugh

Stephen's profession(s)

Steve worked at MPCG for the past 8 years where he was a Logistics Coordinator. He gained a lot of friends that we are proud to call family.

Favorite sports

He played Baseball when he was little, he bought Sammy her own set of baseballs and would go out to the park and teach her to throw and to catch


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Libro de visitas de Stephen

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Fotos de Stephen

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Nació el August 13, 1978

Mesa, AZ

Falleció el February 24, 2025

San Tan Valley, AZ

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El memorial de Stephen "Steve" Failla está gestionado por katinafailla.

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