Sheroll M Brown

Dec 1, 1956 - Jan 25, 2025December 1, 1956 - January 25, 2025

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Sheroll M Brown

Dec 1, 1956 - Jan 25, 2025December 1, 1956 - January 25, 2025

Place of birth

New Orleans, LA

Most recently lived in

Baton Rouge, LA

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It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Sheroll Brown, born December 1, 1956, who departed this life on January 25, 2025, at the age of 68. Sheroll was a loving mother, grandmother, sister, and friend, whose strength, wisdom, and love were a guiding force for all who knew her.

Sheroll is survived by her four children: Gisele “Triecie” Brown, Rannel “Ugly” Brown, Emanuel “Buck” Howard, and Shantel “Shawn” Brown. She also leaves behind her beloved grandchildren: Kaddarius “Kd” Alford, Emmanuel “Head” Burns, Shemiyah “Miyah” Williams, and Cedric “Riley Ray” Green. To them, Sheroll was a constant source of love, guidance, and joy.

Sheroll was a woman who truly embodied the essence of Alpha and Omega. From the beginning of her life, she was a leader, a protector, and a source of unshakeable strength. She remained steadfast and loving through every season, and even in her passing, she leaves behind a legacy that will never fade. Her love began at the start of her journey and will continue for generations to come.

Though Sheroll is no longer with us, the warmth of her love and the lessons she imparted will live on in the hearts of her family, friends, and all who were fortunate to know her.

A celebration of Sheroll’s life will be held at Resting Place Funeral Home on Saturday, February 15, 2025, at 10 AM Repast @ city park

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Sheroll's Guestbook

All condolences, notes and wishes in this book of memories.


Sheroll's Photos

Sheroll timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Born on December 1, 1956

New Orleans, LA

Passed away on January 25, 2025

Baton Rouge, LA

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Sheroll M Brown's memorial is managed by Kaddarius Alford.

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