Jun 23, 1948 - Oct 4, 2019June 23, 1948 - October 4, 2019
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Berea High School
Murrells Inlet, SC
Sharon loved nothing more than spending time with her family and friends! Especially her children, grandchildren and Great grandchildren, along with her sister Becky! And also being at the beach!
The Beach
Her labaradoole Bella! She loved Bella like her own children!
How much I love her and how much I miss her now that she is gone! How I would repeat that I loved her over and over again if I could tell her again!
We'll plant real trees for you in Sharon's memory and display your contribution forever.
All condolences, notes and wishes in this book of memories.
Sharon timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.
Select a photo to expand it and view its comments.
Murrells Inlet, SC