Shannon (Peachy) Lynn Martin

Nov 26, 1992 - Sep 09, 2022

Photo of Shannon (Peachy)

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Shannon (Peachy) Lynn Martin

Nov 26, 1992 - Sep 09, 2022

Her love for animals was a passion she carried all of her life.

Most recently lived in

Loveland Ohio

If you could tell Shannon (Peachy) anything today, what would you say?

Favorite place in the world

Beaches of South Carolina

Favorite bands and musical artists

She loved a variety of music but she had an old soul so her favorites were older rock.

Shannon (Peachy)'s superpower

Just her presence of could light up any space she was in.

Name of Shannon (Peachy)'s siblings

She has 2 sisters Amber Martin and Ashley Kana who miss her like crazy and loved her more than she ever could have imagined

Name of Shannon (Peachy)'s children

She left behind 7 babies who loved her very much. Haylee Todd, Isabella Lane, Khloe Lane, Ashlynn Moore, Sophia Martin, Benson Foster, and Penelope Foster


Peachy was a very special person and the sad thing is she never realized just how truly special she was.

She had such a strong presence that the place lit up everywhere she went. She could make you feel like you had know her your life after meeting her for 10 minutes. She loved with everything she had so if she loved you then you could always count on her to have your back.

She went through so much in what short time she was here. Things that most would have let it turn them cold as ice but she came out with the most loving heart.

She never judged anyone for anything because she understood how life could knock you on your ass. She was always there to help someone up when they fell even if she was having a tough time herself. She always made time to reach down and help pull someone else up.

People who knew her and I mean really knew her knew just how hard she fought her own demons every single day of her life but she made it look so graceful that most didn't realize just how hard she did fight. She was a fighter for sure. She had the heart of an Angel and the soul and spirit of an Absolute WARRIOR.

I love her with everything I have in my heart and soul and Miss her so much that it hurts

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Photo of Shannon (Peachy)

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Photo of Shannon (Peachy)

Born on November 26, 1992

Passed away on September 09, 2022

Loveland Ohio

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Photo of Shannon (Peachy)
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Shannon (Peachy) Lynn Martin's memorial is managed by 10blmoore17

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