Shadow Gilbert

20 feb 2015 - 12 ene 202320 de febrero de 2015 - 12 de enero de 2023

Photo of Shadow

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Shadow Gilbert

20 feb 2015 - 12 ene 202320 de febrero de 2015 - 12 de enero de 2023

Most recently lived in

Shadow lived near westend he was cared for by many but loved by maya she and her gf were the main caretaker of the beloved now deceased adopted Chile

Shadow's favorite foods

Shadow loved paper and carrots and was a very unique individual

Shadow loved nothing more than

Maya she cry constantly for her and was the protector and lover

Interesting facts about Shadow

He love water and running around wit kids on his mom (maya) side like Fatman and others

If you could tell Shadow anything today, what would you say?

“Don’t be looking at me like dat”

Favorite place in the world

Mayas bedroom or Kay house

Favorite TV shows



Shadow is the youngest of 2 siblings Darron, his eldest brother has always travel the world, exploring new things, his Mom and Dad passed early on in life which landed him with his Adoptive parents Maya and Kay who loved him, cared for him, and was there for him, he made their lives complete. Shadow has now transition onto a better place and leaves behind his two parents and no offsprings. Shadow may you live within us while we comfort each other during this hard time REST IN HEAVEN

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Fotos de Shadow

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Nació el February 20, 2015

Falleció el January 12, 2023

Shadow lived near westend he was cared for by many but loved by maya she and her gf were the main caretaker of the beloved now deceased adopted Chile

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El memorial de Shadow Gilbert está gestionado por Daija Lewis.

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