Seth Tyler Benefield

11 may 1987 - 20 sept 202111 de mayo de 1987 - 20 de septiembre de 2021

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Seth Tyler Benefield

11 may 1987 - 20 sept 202111 de mayo de 1987 - 20 de septiembre de 2021

Place of birth

Lawrenceburg tn

Most recently lived in

1104 springer road

Seth's favorite hobbies

Putting puzzles together listening to music

Seth's favorite foods

Pizza chicken nuggets arbys

Favorite bands and musical artists

Alan Jackson. Michael Jackson

Interesting facts about Seth

He pulled through situations no one else could of made it through. Quiet but very smart the sweetest human being I've ever known He was autistic and very smart

If you could tell Seth anything today, what would you say?

I pray to see you again. I will never let you go

Seth loved nothing more than

Eating riding around listening to music going to aunt Linda's and seeing his sister shanna

Favorite place in the world

Home and Linda's or on a truck

Favorite TV shows

Music videos cheers friends and anything as long as he was snuggling with his momma

Favorite sports


Favorite movies


Seth couldn't talk but the best conversations I've ever had was with him.he said it best when he said nothing at all. Heavens been blessed .he was mommas angel on earth nothing will be the same.he was my life.

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Libro de visitas de Seth

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Fotos de Seth

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Nació el May 11, 1987

Lawrenceburg tn

Falleció el September 20, 2021

1104 springer road

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El memorial de Seth Tyler Benefield está gestionado por Sheila Daley.

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