10 jun 1983 - 10 ago 202210 de junio de 1983 - 10 de agosto de 2022
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Todavía no se han plantado árboles.
Than to be at home, spending time with her family
Oroville, california
My time with you, was not long enough. You left us all too soon. You are the most wonderful daughter, and I was truly blessed, to be your mom! I miss and love you!
See you again sweet girl of mine. When the Lord decides to bring us together again, by his side. Until then, watch from above, and keep my wings close by, k? I love you!
Wherever it is, that Harry Potter lives!
Sons of anarchy
Sandie was born with a rare heart condition, called "Epstein's Anomaly". She had open heart surgery at the age of two. She was a tough girl, she never complained. Her trial's and tribulations, made her strong. She was a wonderful mother, to her son Connor, her daughter Lexi, and two step daughter's, Jillian and Lily. She is deeply missed by her entire family.
Plantaremos árboles de verdad en memoria de Sandie y mostraremos tu contribución para siempre.
Todas las condolencias, notas y deseos en este libro de recuerdos.
La línea de tiempo de Sandie con fotos, videos, audios e historias.
Selecciona una foto para expandirla y ver sus comentarios.
Oroville, california