Samantha Thomas

Jul 10, 1979 - Sep 26, 2020July 10, 1979 - September 26, 2020

Photo of Samantha

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Samantha Thomas

Jul 10, 1979 - Sep 26, 2020July 10, 1979 - September 26, 2020

Place of birth


Most recently lived in


Samantha's favorite hobbies

singing, teaching

Samantha's favorite foods


Favorite bands and musical artists

Gospel music

Interesting facts about Samantha

She loves working with children

If you could tell Samantha anything today, what would you say?

Why did you leave so early?

Samantha loved nothing more than

Worshipping God

Favorite place in the world

United States

Favorite TV shows



She was born July 10, 1979, in Georgetown, Guyana, to Edward Thomas and Everette Stanford-Thomas, the 5th of eleven children. Her father was a Chief Prison Officer in Guyana. Her mother was self-employed. 

She attended Pavillion Nursery, then Went on to attend St. Thomas Moore Primary. Finally, she attended St. George’s High School and graduated in 1996. Samantha began her career in the business field; she first worked at Federal Management Systems. She was an active member in her church Christian Covenant Ministries. Samantha would take part in worship sessions, and she sang at various events.

Her interests included family, singing, teaching math, and Sunday School. She devoted much of her time and energy as a tutor and babysitter to kids.

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Samantha's Guestbook

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Samantha's Photos

Samantha timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Born on July 10, 1979


Passed away on September 26, 2020


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Samantha Thomas's memorial is managed by oneica Benn.

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