Russell Russ Curtis Sparger

Jul 6, 1955 - Feb 11, 2010July 6, 1955 - February 11, 2010

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Russell Russ Curtis Sparger

Jul 6, 1955 - Feb 11, 2010July 6, 1955 - February 11, 2010

Place of birth

Harvey, IL (if available)

Survived by

Wife of 31 years, mother, 2 brothers, 1 sister, father and mother-in-law, sister-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends

Preceded in death by

Father and one brother


Graduated SIU-E, attended Covenant Seminary, received honorary PhD from World Christianship Ministries


Keyboardist at Fox Theatre, led worship at various churches and local PromiseKeepers events, started Night of Praise ministry, Assistant Manager of Cardinal Creek Golf Course


Golf, traveling (especially to Alaska and Hawaii), fondness for humpback whales


Diagnosed with Type I diabetes as a child, received organ donation, endured complications of the disease


Mid-America Transplant Services or Open Gates International

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Born on July 6, 1955

Harvey, IL (if available)

Passed away on February 11, 2010

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