Russell Blake Hunter

25 ago 1967 - 28 feb 202425 de agosto de 1967 - 28 de febrero de 2024

Photo of Russell

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Russell Blake Hunter

25 ago 1967 - 28 feb 202425 de agosto de 1967 - 28 de febrero de 2024

Place of birth

Lancaster, TX

Most recently lived in

Whitesboro, TX

Russell's favorite hobbies

Spending time with family and friends, taking care of his flowers

Russell's favorite foods

Favorite bands and musical artists

Shine down, Metallica and any metal music

Interesting facts about Russell

Russell loved nothing more than

His daughter

Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows

Pawn stars, judge Judy, duck dynasty

Favorite sports


Russell Blake Hunter, 56, of whitesboro, Texas went to be with the lord on February 28th 2024, he was born august 25th 1967 in Lancaster texas, to jimmy sue Hunter, and R.B Hunter. Russ was an amazing person and father he made many peoples day with a few simple words . He loved being around family and friends all the time, no matter how hard life got he always did his best to push through and be strong for everyone, he loved wolves, old rock and metal music and depended on god for everything. As much as it hurts that he’s gone he’s no longer in pain and gets to be with his momma again.

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Nació el August 25, 1967

Lancaster, TX

Falleció el February 28, 2024

Whitesboro, TX

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El memorial de Russell Blake Hunter está gestionado por Leslie Hunter.

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