Ronald “Porky” Lee Allen

22 oct 1948 - 28 ago 202422 de octubre de 1948 - 28 de agosto de 2024

Photo of Ronald “Porky”

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Ronald “Porky” Lee Allen

22 oct 1948 - 28 ago 202422 de octubre de 1948 - 28 de agosto de 2024

Place of birth

St. Louis, MO

Most recently lived in

Denver, CO

Ronald's favorite hobbies

Art, Wood Cuts, DIY projects, Fishing, Enjoying the outdoors

Ronald's favorite foods

Mexican food, Popcorn, Anything he could taste because he lost the ability to taste after a while

Favorite bands and musical artists

Rock music

Interesting facts about Ronald

He served in the Vietnam War. He was an engineer fire fighter with Castlewood Fire Department (Later South Metro Fire Department). He was an artist, specializing in wood cut reliefs. He put himself through college getting a degree in fine arts from Arapahoe Community College.

Ronald loved nothing more than

Getting up into the mountains and using his spotting scope to check out the wilderness and wild life. He loved to hand feed the chipmunks peanuts and watch the hummingbirds zoom by.

Favorite place in the world

Hi friend Mitch’s cabin in Tolland, Colorado

Ronald's parents

Harold and Edna Allen

Favorite sports


Ronald's pets in life

His bunnies Mr. Floppy Ears and Ferguison have been waiting to meet him at the rainbow bridge.

Ronald's siblings

He is survived by his twin brother Rod and brother Dennis. He will now be reunited with his brother Keith and sister Pat.

Ronald's children

His son Kiel and his daughter Aubrie

Ronald’s Spouse

His wife Linda of more than 40 years

Ronald's superpower

He was always there.


Ronald Lee Allen passed on the 28th of August 2024. It was sudden. He was born on October 22nd 1948. He left behind his daughter Aubrie, son Kiel, wife Linda, twin brother Rod and brother Dennis.

He was an awesome guy. He served his country in the Viet Nam war, and further served his community by becoming an engineer at Castlewood Fire Department, later becoming South Metro Fire Department. He was there for 25 years, and painted a mural at Station 32 on Orchard Rd in the 80’s. It is still there today.

He put him self through college, gaining a degree in art from Arapahoe Community College. He made amazing 3 dimensional wood cuts, stained glass art, paintings, pottery, and more.

He was the kind of man who could make something out of nothing. He could turn pieces of wood into play sets for his kids, art pieces, or a new room for his house.

In his later years, he enjoyed nothing more than getting up into the mountains and enjoying nature. He loved his spotting scope so he could see everything that nature had to display.

He is missed terribly by his family. It was too soon, Pop. It was just too soon and so sudden. We love you, Pop.

Ceremonias pasadas


He will be buried with full military honors. Gathering will start at 12:30, the service will be at 1:30, and his burial will be at 2:00. All are welcome.


jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2024, 13:30


Olinger Funeral, Cremation & Cemetery - Chapel Hill - 6601 S Colorado Blvd, Centennial, CO 80121, USA

Recaudación de fondos para Ronald “Porky”

Any donations to go towards expenses for his family during this trying time would be appreciated.

Ronald “Porky”

$200 recaudado

Objetivo: $2,000

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Ronald “Porky”

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Ronald “Porky”

Nació el October 22, 1948

St. Louis, MO

Falleció el August 28, 2024

Denver, CO

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Ronald “Porky”
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El memorial de Ronald “Porky” Lee Allen está gestionado por Ronald Allen.

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