Robert ( Robbie ) McSheffrey

27 may 1984 - 25 oct 200427 de mayo de 1984 - 25 de octubre de 2004

Photo of Robert ( Robbie )

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Robert ( Robbie ) McSheffrey

27 may 1984 - 25 oct 200427 de mayo de 1984 - 25 de octubre de 2004

Place of birth


Most recently lived in


Robert ( Robbie )'s favorite hobbies

Cooking , Fishing , Pool, Socialising

Robert ( Robbie )'s favorite foods

If you could tell Robert ( Robbie ) anything today, what would you say?

That I Miss Him Terribly & Love Him Very Much

Favorite place in the world

Kind Loving Generous Loved his family & his friends

If you could tell Robert ( Robbie ) anything today, what would you say?

Thatt I Miss him terribly & Love him very much

Favorite place in the world

Making his Family & his friends happy

Name of High School attended

Lossiemouth High School

Name of Robert ( Robbie )'s parents

Eddie & Karen McSheffrey

Name of Robert ( Robbie )'s siblings

Jen & Mhairi

Interesting facts about Robert ( Robbie )

Robbie Was a kind & Loving Was Funny Liked To Make You Laugh Always Listned To Your Problems

Favorite bands and musical artists

Robert ( Robbie ) loved nothing more than

To Make You Happy & Play the odd trick & get up to mischief

Favorite TV shows


Favorite sports


Favorite movies

Robert ( Robbie )'s profession(s)

Robbie went to sea for a while & was training to be a chef

Robbie was a kind loving lovable rogue who loved his family & friends very much


Planta un Árbol en memoria de Robert ( Robbie )

Plantaremos árboles de verdad en memoria de Robert ( Robbie ) y mostraremos tu contribución para siempre.

Libro de visitas de Robert ( Robbie )

Todas las condolencias, notas y deseos en este libro de recuerdos.

Robert ( Robbie )

Fotos de Robert ( Robbie )

La línea de tiempo de Robert ( Robbie ) con fotos, videos, audios e historias.

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Robert ( Robbie )

Nació el May 27, 1984


Falleció el October 25, 2004


¿Qué puedes hacer?

Robert ( Robbie )
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El memorial de Robert ( Robbie ) McSheffrey está gestionado por Karen ( Mam ) McSheffrey.

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