Richard Phillips

May 16, 1955 - Apr 12, 2009

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Richard Phillips

May 16, 1955 - Apr 12, 2009

Place of birth

Winchester, MA

Most recently lived in

Boston, MA

Richard's favorite hobbies

Richard's favorite foods

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Interesting facts about Richard

Served As Captain Of Maersk Alabama

Richard loved nothing more than

Being Around Family

Favorite place in the world


Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports


Richard Phillips, a beloved husband, son, father, and respected captain, passed away on April 12, 2009, in the sea. He was born on May 16, 1955, in Winchester, Massachusetts, to his loving parents James Phillips and Virginia Shattuck.

Richard attended the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, where he honed his skills and passion for the sea. His dedication to maritime education would later shape his illustrious career as he captained the Maersk Alabama with precision and unwavering commitment.

In 1987, Richard married the love of his life, Andrea Phillips, and together they embarked on a journey filled with love, laughter, and companionship. Their union was blessed with children, Daniel and Mariah, whose presence brought immeasurable joy to Richard's life.

Richard was a man of many talents and interests. His love for sailing, riding bikes, and other outdoor activities was only surpassed by his devotion to his family. He was a great leader both at sea and at home, always guiding and supporting those around him with wisdom and kindness.

Richard's legacy extends beyond his professional accomplishments; it lies in the memories he created with his family and the impact he had on everyone he met. His warm smile, gentle demeanor, and strong values will forever be cherished by those who knew him.

Richard was preceded in death by his beloved wife, Andrea, and their children, Daniel and Mariah. Their reunion in the afterlife brings solace to those left behind, knowing they are together once more.

A funeral service to honor and celebrate Richard's life will be held at the Cookeville Regional Medical Center, Medical Center Boulevard, Cookeville, TN, USA. In his memory, let us continue to cherish the moments spent together, emulate his strength and leadership, and hold dear the love he shared with all who were fortunate enough to know him. Rest in peace, Richard Phillips. Your legacy lives on in the hearts of those who loved you.

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Photo of Richard

Born on May 16, 1955

Winchester, MA

Passed away on April 12, 2009

Boston, MA

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