Richard Herbert

Nov 09, 1953 - Sep 26, 2022

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Richard Herbert

Nov 09, 1953 - Sep 26, 2022

Place of birth

Most recently lived in

Richard's favorite hobbies

Richard's favorite foods

Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Richard

If you could tell Richard anything today, what would you say?

Richard loved nothing more than

Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows


Richard Herbert, 68, of Charlotte, North Carolina, passed away September 26, 2022. Richard was born on November 09,1953 in Harlem New York.

In his early years, Richard was a security officer at the World Trade Center in Manhattan New York (where he took pride in his work).

He was outgoing and traveled a lot. One of his favorite places to visit was the Virgin Islands.

Richard enjoyed watching sports. He represented any team from New York, especially the New York Giants and the Yankees.

In the early 90s; he moved to Rocky Mount, North Carolina with his family and later retired in Charlotte, North Carolina. He enjoyed working in the food and hotel industry where he served others. He touched many lives with his kindness generosity. He was a member of Nash Praise and Wordship Center for many years. He loved attending church and gave his life to God.

He also loved taking walks in the park, riding his bike for exercise and Christmas was his favorite holiday of the year. He was committed to reading the word of God and spending time with his family.

He leaves behind one son (James Herbert) one daughter (Hannah Herbert) two grandchildren, (Malachi) and (Madison). A host of nieces and nephews and other family and friends who loved him dearly.

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Photo of Richard

Born on November 09, 1953

Passed away on September 26, 2022

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Richard Herbert's memorial is managed by herbert.hannah29

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