Richard Harold Cothran

Dec 31, 1954 - Dec 25, 2024December 31, 1954 - December 25, 2024

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Richard Harold Cothran

Dec 31, 1954 - Dec 25, 2024December 31, 1954 - December 25, 2024

Place of birth

Denver, CO

Most recently lived in

Arvada, CO

Richard's favorite hobbies

Richard's favorite foods


Favorite bands and musical artists

Phil Collins, Santana, Foreigner

Interesting facts about Richard

He is an Irish twin

Richard loved nothing more than

His kids and grandkids

Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports

Football- he loved his broncos when they were winning


Richard Harold Cothran, known affectionately as Rick, passed away on December 25, 2024, at the age of 69. Born on December 31, 1954, in Denver, Colorado, he spent his final years in Arvada, Colorado, surrounded by the love of his family.

Rick was a devoted father to his daughter, Diana, and son, Ricky Jr., and a proud grandfather to his grandchildren, Elijah, Matthew, Luna, and Sky. He cherished every moment spent with them, and his love for his kids and grandkids was boundless.

An Irish twin, Rick had a zest for life that was evident in his passions. He was a fan of delightful meals, particularly spaghetti, and enjoyed listening to the music of his favorite artists, including Phil Collins, Santana, and Foreigner. A true sports enthusiast, he had a special fondness for football, particularly celebrating the victories of his beloved Denver Broncos.

Rick was known for his distinctive sense of style, often seen adorned in gold jewelry and fashionable clothing that reflected his vibrant personality. He was well-regarded for his reassuring words, often reminding those around him that “Everything’s going to be okay, you know why? Because it has to be.”

He will be remembered for his warmth, humor, and unwavering love for his family. Richard Harold Cothran leaves behind a legacy of kindness and cherished memories that will forever be held dear by those who knew him.

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Richard's Guestbook

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Richard's Photos

Richard timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Born on December 31, 1954

Denver, CO

Passed away on December 25, 2024

Arvada, CO

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Richard Harold Cothran's memorial is managed by dianamay_819.

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