Richard Finch Nead

Jan 17, 1937 - May 21, 2023January 17, 1937 - May 21, 2023

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Richard Finch Nead

Jan 17, 1937 - May 21, 2023January 17, 1937 - May 21, 2023

Place of birth

Castleton (possibly)

Athletic achievements

Led Columbia Blue Devils to an undefeated season, inducted into Columbia's Hall of Fame


Attended Manlius Prep School on a full two-year athletic scholarship, earned a bachelor's degree in political science from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Military service

Commissioned as a second lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps, trained Marines in flight instruction


FAA-certified flight instructor, worked as a private contractor at the U.S.A.F. Aero Club's headquarters in Washington, D.C., flew for Eastern Airlines for 24 years


Pursued skiing and grape and berry farming at Nead Berry Vineyard


Predeceased by parents and siblings, survived by nephews, nieces, cousins, grandnephews and nieces, and great-grandnephews and nieces


Conducted privately at the convenience of the family

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Born on January 17, 1937

Castleton (possibly)

Passed away on May 21, 2023

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