Rebecca D. Vargas

3 oct 1935 - 10 mar 20253 de octubre de 1935 - 10 de marzo de 2025

Photo of Rebecca

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Rebecca D. Vargas

3 oct 1935 - 10 mar 20253 de octubre de 1935 - 10 de marzo de 2025

Place of birth

Mercedes, TX

Most recently lived in

San Jose, CA

Rebecca's favorite hobbies

She loved to garden and crochet.

Rebecca's favorite foods

She enjoyed cooking Mexican food.

Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Rebecca

Rebecca loved nothing more than

Spending time with her family.

Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports

She cheered on the Bronco's when watching football.


Rebecca D. Vargas, a beloved daughter, sister, mother, and Abuelita, passed at home peacefully on March 10, 2025, in San Jose, California. Her passing leaves a void in the hearts of those who knew her, but her spirit will continue to guide us everyday. Her smile/laughter, her love of life, and her ability to make everyday feel cherished will be greatly missed but never forgotten.

Rebecca is survived by her brother David Duenas, of Texas. She leaves behind her four children Refugio Jr., Ernesto, Ignacia, and Gustavo - Grandchildren (5), Great Grandchildren (6), and Great Great Grandchild (1). She will forever be missed by her family and friends.

Rebecca was born on October 03, 1935, in Mercedes, Texas. Her warm presence and caring nature left an undeniable mark on all who knew her. Her ability to provide comfort and love made her an exceptional leader of her family. She was a devoted Catholic and routinely prayed for her loved ones. Rebecca loved her family wholeheartedly and often expressed this through the time she spent with them.

Her interests/hobbies were as vibrant as her personality. She had a great passion for crocheting. She was a patient teacher who passed her talent down to her Left-Handed Granddaughter, Malinda. She also showed a loving interest in cooking traditional Mexican Foods. She spent time caring for her dogs and canaries.

As we say our far wells to Rebecca we celebrate the life of a strong independent Latina Woman, who was a beacon of kindness and love. Her legacy is one of unwavering devotion to her family, a testament to the beautiful life she lived and the countless lives she touched. Her memory will be treasured forever as we hold her close in our hearts and remember the light she brought into all our lives.

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Libro de visitas de Rebecca

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Nació el October 3, 1935

Mercedes, TX

Falleció el March 10, 2025

San Jose, CA

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