Feb 11, 1919 - Feb 10, 2010February 11, 1919 - February 10, 2010
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Pittsburgh, PA
Civil Service Inspector for the U S Army and retired Fire Chief for the Gillhall Volunteer Fire Dept
Attended St Thomas The Apostle Catholic Church of Homosassa
Army veteran of WW II
Knights of Columbus of Pittsburgh, Operators Engineer Union and the 4th Armored Division Association
First wife Marie (Pukansky) Ney and step-son William Corey
Wife Betty Corey Ney, children, step-children, sister, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren
Prayer service at Wilder Funeral Home, Homosassa Springs, additional services in Pittsburgh
We'll plant real trees for you in Raymond's memory and display your contribution forever.
All condolences, notes and wishes in this book of memories.
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Pittsburgh, PA