Raylon David Stewart

23 ago 1998 - 27 jun 202423 de agosto de 1998 - 27 de junio de 2024

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Raylon David Stewart

23 ago 1998 - 27 jun 202423 de agosto de 1998 - 27 de junio de 2024

Place of birth

Indianapolis, IN

Most recently lived in

Indianapolis, IN

Raylon's favorite hobbies

Ray loved sports betting, going out to eat,and playing his Xbox.

Raylon's favorite foods

All food, especially from a high end restaurant.

Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Raylon

Ray was a very good brother and friend. He would do and give anything for the people close to him even if it was his last.

Raylon loved nothing more than

Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports


Raylon David Stewart Obituary

Raylon David Stewart, known by his loved ones as Ray, peacefully passed away on June 27, 2024, at the age of 25. He was born on August 23, 1998, in Indianapolis, IN, where he spent his entire life.

Ray was a hardworking individual who found joy in his career as a car salesman. He excelled in his profession and was highly regarded by his colleagues and customers alike. Ray's determination and passion for his work were evident in the way he connected with people, making every interaction memorable.

Outside of work, Ray cherished spending time with his family and friends. He had a special bond with his parents, Sonja and Dennis Stewart, who survive him. Ray also leaves behind his nine siblings: Dominique Wilson, Tiesha Bailey, Totiana Wilson, Ryan Harris, Ryna Stewart, Ryland Stewart, Reann Stewart, Ryann Harris, and Reyniah Harris. His presence and love will be deeply missed by his family, who will forever hold him in their hearts.

Raylon David Stewart's vibrant personality, warm smile, and caring nature touched the lives of all who knew him. He will be remembered for his kindness, dedication, and the joy he brought to those around him. May his soul rest in eternal peace.

Funeral services for Raylon David Stewart will be held on [date] at [location]. Friends and family are invited to pay their respects and celebrate his life.

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Nació el August 23, 1998

Indianapolis, IN

Falleció el June 27, 2024

Indianapolis, IN

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El memorial de Raylon David Stewart está gestionado por Ryna Stewart.

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