Raphael Orona Martinez

24 may 1975 - 23 may 202424 de mayo de 1975 - 23 de mayo de 2024

Photo of Raphael

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Raphael Orona Martinez

24 may 1975 - 23 may 202424 de mayo de 1975 - 23 de mayo de 2024

Place of birth

Long Beach, CA

Most recently lived in

El Paso, TX

Raphael's favorite hobbies

Some of Raphael‘s hobbies include collegiate, fencing, medieval fencing, create and dioramas, painting, miniatures, reading, and tabletalk gaming

Raphael's favorite foods

According to his granddaughter his favorite food is breakfast. according to the children It’s mac & cheese and hotdogs, and he has been in a joking manner of eating like an autistic toddler.

Favorite bands and musical artists

Raphael liked all kinds of music but the single artist that always comes to mine when I think of Raphael is weird Al Yankovic

Interesting facts about Raphael

Raphael was in the Air Force. He then worked at the racetrack and someone park. He would paint dioramas and miniatures. He also loved creating three dimensional art pieces and truly enjoyed reading books with his granddaughter. He never quite got a chance to do that with his new grandson.

Raphael loved nothing more than

Raphael left nothing more than to spend time with his family and with his wife

Favorite place in the world

Raphael never had a favorite place but being a military brat he always wanted to travel the world see everything and do everything

Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports


Raphael Orona Martinez
May 24, 1975 - May 23, 2024

Raphael Orona Martinez, affectionately known as Orona or Raphael the Red, passed away on May 23, 2024, one day shy of his 49th birthday. He was born on May 24, 1975, in Long Beach, CA, and most recently resided in El Paso, TX.

Raphael had a wide range of hobbies that brought him joy throughout his life. He enjoyed collegiate and medieval fencing, creating dioramas and painting miniatures. He also had a love for reading and tabletalk gaming. His favorite foods varied, as his granddaughter claimed he loved breakfast, his children mentioned mac & cheese and hotdogs, and he had a playful manner of eating like an autistic toddler.

Music held a special place in Raphael's heart, and while he appreciated all genres, Weird Al Yankovic was the artist that always came to mind when thinking of him.

Raphael's life journey took him from serving in the Air Force to working at the racetrack at Sunland Park. He had a talent for painting dioramas and miniatures, and his three-dimensional art pieces were a testament to his creativity. Raphael cherished reading books with his granddaughter, though he never quite got the chance to experience that joy with his new grandson.

Above all, there was nothing Raphael loved more than spending time with his family and his beloved wife, Mary Ann Martinez, with whom he had been friends since they were 14 years old.

Though Raphael didn't have a favorite place, his adventurous spirit yearned to travel the world, experiencing everything it had to offer, a desire rooted in his upbringing as a military brat.

Raphael will be deeply missed by his wife, Mary Ann, and his seven children: Gabe Herbig, Amanda Herbig, Nya Martinez, Zander Herbig, Nathan Martinez, Ziggy Herbig, and Samantha Martinez. He also leaves behind his cherished grandchildren, Ivy Luna Guzman and Nicolas Miles Guzman.

In addition to his immediate family, Raphael is survived by his mother, Kelly Martinez, and his nephew, Patrick Martinez.

Raphael Orona Martinez will be remembered for his vibrant spirit, his love for his family, and his adventurous nature. He leaves behind a legacy of cherished memories and a reminder to embrace life's journey to the fullest.

Ceremonias pasadas

Servicio conmemorativo

Raphael Orona Martinez’s Memorial and Family Game Night


sábado, 22 de junio de 2024, 16:00


Veterans of Foreign Wars - 5535 Saluki Dr, El Paso, TX 79924, USA

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Nació el May 24, 1975

Long Beach, CA

Falleció el May 23, 2024

El Paso, TX

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El memorial de Raphael Orona Martinez está gestionado por Mary Ann Martinez .

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