Ralph Edward Zunich

May 1, 1943 - May 19, 2023May 1, 1943 - May 19, 2023

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Ralph Edward Zunich

May 1, 1943 - May 19, 2023May 1, 1943 - May 19, 2023

Place of birth

Telluride, Colorado (moved to American Fork, Utah at an early age)


University of Utah (Naval ROTC scholarship, graduated in 1965), Central Michigan University (master's degree in 1980)

Military career

Surface warfare officer in the United States Navy, commanded three ships, served two tours in Vietnam, served at sea on the staff of the Seventh Fleet Command, completed Navy career in 1993

Post-military career

Vice President Total Quality at Grimes Aerospace Company, developed a program for industrial productivity called Practical Process Improvement (PPI), successful consulting career

Personal interests

Painter (primarily using watercolors and acrylics), played several sports (basketball, football, lacrosse, and track & field), has been to North Korea, loved music and was a talented pianist in his youth

Fraternity membership

Phi Delta Theta fraternity at the University of Utah


Two kids (Kate Tippin and Andy Zunich), three grandkids (Mollie Tippin and Charlie and Ella Zunich), and two sisters (Deanne L. Fraser and Christine Z. Dickinson)

Funeral arrangements

Mass at Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Virginia Beach on July 13, 2023, dual burial service with his wife Norma and full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery, donations may be made to the Virginia Beach Rescue Squad or Star of the Sea Church

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Born on May 1, 1943

Telluride, Colorado (moved to American Fork, Utah at an early age)

Passed away on May 19, 2023

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