Pat Sanders

28 jul 1939 - 12 oct 202228 de julio de 1939 - 12 de octubre de 2022

Photo of Pat

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Pat Sanders

28 jul 1939 - 12 oct 202228 de julio de 1939 - 12 de octubre de 2022

Place of birth

Ringgold Louisiana

Most recently lived in

Pat's favorite hobbies

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Interesting facts about Pat

If you could tell Pat anything today, what would you say?

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Favorite place in the world

Favorite TV shows


Patsy Nell Sanders, age 83, passed away peacefully October 12, 2022. She was born July 28, 1939 in Ringgold, Louisiana to Noland and Nellie Batchelor. Patsy graduated from Fair Park High School in Shreveport in 1951. She was married to Billy James Sanders for 25 years, who preceded her in death.

Patsy was a life-long DIYer before there was DIY, She created everything from ceramics to embroidery and porcelain dolls. Her hands were rarely still. Patsy was a member of the American Legion Auxiliary, Post 14 where she volunteered at the legion bingo. For over 30 years Patsy worked in various positions in the banking industry.

Patsy is survived by her brother and wife Robert and Sherry Batchelor; her daughter Tonya Davis; her son and his wife Jack and Debra Davis; her two grandsons, one great grandson: and a niece. She was a devoted and loving wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and friend.

Please join us in celebrating her life at a memorial visitation Saturday morning October 22, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. at Shreveport Baptist Temple, 288 Flournoy Lucas Road, Shreveport, LA. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the local Alzheimer’s Association chapter or local church in Patsy Sander’s honor.

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Nació el July 28, 1939

Ringgold Louisiana

Falleció el October 12, 2022

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