Pamela M Edwards

25 feb 1965 - 19 jun 202425 de febrero de 1965 - 19 de junio de 2024

Photo of Pamela

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Pamela M Edwards

25 feb 1965 - 19 jun 202425 de febrero de 1965 - 19 de junio de 2024

Place of birth

Tulsa, OK

Most recently lived in

Tulsa, OK

Pamela's favorite hobbies

Pamela’s favorite hobby was to crochet. Everyone knows she always had A needle with some yarn in her hand.

Pamela's favorite foods

Pamela’s favorite food was chicken. One thing about Pam was she was an amazing cook and everybody loved her southern fried chicken.

Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Pamela

Pamela loved nothing more than

Pam loved nothing more than her kids, grandkids, and great grandkids. Everyone would gather at their house on Sundays for a good ole Sunday dinner, where everybody would talk about how their week went and what plans they had for the week.

Favorite place in the world

Pamela favorite place in the world was in her kitchen. Pam was always trying to feed somebody. If you was having a bad day Pam was cooking you a meal, if you was happy and celebrating something Pam was cooking you a meal, if you was sick Pam was cooking a meal.

Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports


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Libro de visitas de Pamela

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Fotos de Pamela

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Nació el February 25, 1965

Tulsa, OK

Falleció el June 19, 2024

Tulsa, OK

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