Pamela Gilmore

Jan 15, 1943 - Mar 1, 2024January 15, 1943 - March 1, 2024

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Pamela Gilmore

Jan 15, 1943 - Mar 1, 2024January 15, 1943 - March 1, 2024

Place of birth

Los Angeles, California

Most recently lived in

Los Angeles, California

Pamela's favorite hobbies

Sewing Casino and bingo

Pamela's favorite foods


Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Pamela

She was a loving caring giving person that will give the shirt off her back if she could and was always willing to help someone and give them a positive word and she was also a mother of five kids a grandmother of 22 grandkids at a grandmother of 24 great grands and she always kept a small she will be missed

Pamela loved nothing more than

She loved more than her family she loved everyone and she would treat everyone as equal and with respect and no matter what you've done to her she returned her cheek and still forgive you and still be willing to help

Favorite place in the world

Montego Bay Jamaica

Favorite TV shows

Favorite sports


Pamela Gilmore Obituary (1943 - 2024) - Los Angeles, California

" be missed she was born and raised in California she had six Brothers Two Sisters had also a twin brother she was married for 43 years without going loving caring and considerate and would give her all and always kept the family together no matter what and she always wanted us to be truthful be honest be spiritual and be wise with everything that we did in life and she always gave a hand out where she would try to do her best in wanted us to be truthful be honest be spiritual and be wise with everything that we did in life and she always gave a hand out where she would try to do her best in helping and giving and she never turned her back on anyone

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Pamela's Guestbook

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Pamela's Photos

Pamela timeline of pictures, videos, audio and stories.

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Born on January 15, 1943

Los Angeles, California

Passed away on March 1, 2024

Los Angeles, California

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Pamela Gilmore's memorial is managed by Casbmia YOUNG.

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