Opal Testo

Oct 03, 2008 - Sep 15, 2022

Photo of Opal

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Opal Testo

Oct 03, 2008 - Sep 15, 2022

Interesting facts about Opal

She loved being close to family and friends.


The name "opal" comes from the Sanskrit wordupala, meaning precious stone. In Indian mythology, the virgin Goddess of the Rainbow was turned into an opal by the Mother Goddess because she was being chased by suitors Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Ancient Greeks thought the stone could give people the gift of prophecy and protected them from disease. During Roman times, the Latin word opalus came into use.

Growing up, Opal was a calm baby girl. She was shy, and would often explore the wonders of nature with her older brother. When she was young, she would run around the yard chasing after the mud trails that George (her brother) would leave. When she became older, she provided emotional comfort to those around her including friends and family. She was mellow and would love to keep the children playing at distance. Beyond her brother’s passing, Opal sought to teach the younger puppies how to be mature for their age. When Apollo and King George the 2nd would annoy her, Opal would take opportunities to annoy them back. Opal’s service as a supporter for the Testo family will not go unrecognized. She cared deeply for all who she had the chance to play with. Opal was loved by all in the Testo family, and she will be dearly missed. We are happy to know that she will be in comfort with her brother, across the rainbow bridge. We love you. 🌸🌈✨

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Photo of Opal

Born on October 03, 2008

Passed away on September 15, 2022

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Opal Testo's memorial is managed by George Testo

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