Nyeem Lee/Rashad Ward/Mitchell

Mar 07, 1997 - Oct 05, 2017

Photo of Nyeem

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Nyeem Lee/Rashad Ward/Mitchell

Mar 07, 1997 - Oct 05, 2017


Nyeem a heart of gold, handsome, very intelligent, loving, caring, amazing, ambitious, and adventurous. A smile that would lighten up any room with laughter of joy. Nyeem loved and cherished his family and friends. At the age of three Nyeem could make complete sentences and tell you the names of various animals. He loved hunting and would be fully dressed in his hunter outfits from the top to bottom. Before passing, Nyeem purchase a 🛶 heading to the ElkRiver in Charleston by our home on the boulevard of the State Capitol and had a awesome experience. His face was so enlightening and full with joy upon returning. I will always cherish that moment of happiness. As a eighth grader, Nyeem was honor to join the leadership team of excellent achiever’s in Washington DC. Nyeem also achieved high honor in ROTC at St. Albans High School. Our Nyeem Lee Rashad Ward/Mitchell truly truly missed by many who loved and cherished your soul here on Earth and in Heaven💙💙💙Rest peaceful my Son in Heaven❤️❤️❤️Gone but not forgotten ❤️❤️❤️Our Angel💙God Plan💙Amen❤️❤️❤️

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Photo of Nyeem

Born on March 07, 1997

Passed away on October 05, 2017

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Nyeem Lee/Rashad Ward/Mitchell 's memorial is managed by Carmen Ward

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