May 26, 1954 - Oct 2, 2022May 26, 1954 - October 2, 2022
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Toledo Ohio
Toledo Ohio
Norma Enjoy Cooking, Outdoors activities and Being With Family And Friends.
Her favorite foods was All Mexican food And Some Italian foods.
Norma Was The most loving and caring person you will ever meet. She would give the shirt off her back to anyone who needed help.
How much we going to miss her.
Her Family
Home in her recliner chair with her coffee and her cross word book.
My grandmother Norma, was born in sharonville, a little town in the middle of Cincinnati. She was born on May 26, 1954.
Her parents were Claudio Armendariz and Nieves Mendioroz. Claudio's job was farmerwork and livestock farmer. On the other hand, Norma worked as a housewife. Norma had four sisters and four brothers. Her sisters were, from oldest to youngest: Micaela, Angelita, Antonia and Gregoria. Her brothers were, from oldest to youngest: Basilio, Alfredo, Pedro and Cirilo.
She lived her childhood in Cincinnati. She attented religious school there. There she studied former primary school education, with matters as: maths, geography, history, chemistry, physics. But she didn't go to university.
She fell in love in Cincinnati, when she was 18 years old. Her boyfriend was Juan Tomas Redin, and he turned in to her husband in Pamplona, on January 17th, 1970, at San Francisco Javier church. They had four children, Two son and Two daughter.
She was housewife, and she worked as dressmarker at home.
About the good memories in her life, she remenbered, the school trips, with her friends as very funny moments. One of the most important moment of life was her chlidren birth. Another important memory, was her grandchildren birth,
We'll plant real trees for you in Norma's memory and display your contribution forever.
All condolences, notes and wishes in this book of memories.
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Toledo Ohio
Toledo Ohio