Nikki Tanysha Wiate

11 sept 1980 - 10 mar 202511 de septiembre de 1980 - 10 de marzo de 2025

Photo of Nikki

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Nikki Tanysha Wiate

11 sept 1980 - 10 mar 202511 de septiembre de 1980 - 10 de marzo de 2025

Place of birth

Columbus, OH

Most recently lived in

Charleston, WV

Nikki's favorite hobbies

Loved dancing, listening music, being with friends and family, going to church

Nikki's favorite foods

Fish and spicy food

Favorite bands and musical artists

Interesting facts about Nikki

Nikki had had many health problems that she had overcome and losing a enormous amount of weight that she was so proud of. She was always a fighter and nothing could bring her down.

Nikki loved nothing more than

Being with her family and friends and going to church

Favorite place in the world

Loved traveling to all kinds of different places

Favorite TV shows

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Favorite sports


Nikki's parents

Proceded in death by her mother Jeanette Lanisha Collins and her father Tyson Markus Collins.

Nikki's siblings

Brother Tony Mitchell (wife Tasha Mitchell), Sister Lanisha Jameson (husband Markus Jameson) and her adopted sister that is part of our family Brooke Dotson.

Other Family

She has many cousins, other family, and friends that will miss her dearly.

Aunts and Uncles

Her Uncles Tony Watson (wife Maria Watson) and Anthony Watson. Her Aunts Latasha Watson and Precious Jones (husband Toni Jones).


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Libro de visitas de Nikki

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Fotos de Nikki

La línea de tiempo de Nikki con fotos, videos, audios e historias.

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Nació el September 11, 1980

Columbus, OH

Falleció el March 10, 2025

Charleston, WV

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El memorial de Nikki Tanysha Wiate está gestionado por brooklynlaciwv.

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