3 ago 1981 - 19 ene 20253 de agosto de 1981 - 19 de enero de 2025
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Harlingen, TX
Fort Worth, TX
Bacon cheeseburger
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Nicolas (Nick) Jackson on January 19, 2025, at the age of 43. Jackson was born on August 03, 1981 in Harlingen, TX. Jackson, as he was affectionately known, was a shining light in the lives of all who had the privilege of knowing him. His journey on this earth was one marked by love, compassion, and unwavering faith in God. His passing has left a void in the hearts of his family, friends, and many more whose lives were touched by him. We ask that you remember him not for the way his life ended, but for the way it was lived, and for the profound impact it had on the lives of those who had the pleasure of knowing him.
Plantaremos árboles de verdad en memoria de Nicolas y mostraremos tu contribución para siempre.
Todas las condolencias, notas y deseos en este libro de recuerdos.
La línea de tiempo de Nicolas con fotos, videos, audios e historias.
Selecciona una foto para expandirla y ver sus comentarios.
Harlingen, TX
Fort Worth, TX